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Health of the Raquette River

 In this event, rivers scientist, policy researchers and environmental educators will join together to try to answer some questions about the health of the Raquette River. Dr. Abul Baki (Clarkson University) will discuss his ground breaking research about micro-plastic pollution in the Raquette River. Jackie Bowen (Adirondack Council) will add to the conversation by discussing what legislative actions are being taken to protect North Country waterways, and how the resent Supreme Court ruling on wetlands will impact Raquette River communities. Finally, Blake Neumann (Adirondack Council) will delve into the importance of environmental education, and how North Country communities can join together to protect these beloved waters. This event is part of the Listening to Water Symposium.

August 8

Harmful Algal Blooms: An emerging concern in the Adirondack Park

August 10

Celebrating Adirondack Waters with AsRA