Elizabeth Yerger

Laboratory Director

2010 B.S. General Biology, B.S. Environmental Science, Paul Smith’s College

Elizabeth started working for the AWI in 2010 as a Research Technician. She now holds the position of Laboratory Director for the AWI Environmental Research Lab and serves as the Quality Assurance Officer. Elizabeth is responsible for the overall quality, safety, technical and service performance of the lab and ensures an effective quality and data integrity program. Elizabeth is also the Program Coordinator for the Adirondack Lake Assessment Program (ALAP) as well as the Site Supervisor for the National Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring Station located at Paul Smith's College. Elizabeth lives in Paul Smiths with her husband, David and their daughter Eloise.

Elizabeth Yerger

Contact Information

Office: (518) 327-6174

Email: eyerger@paulsmiths.edu

Elizabeth’s Publications at AWI